Add Post Slug Redirection with parameters
Add Post Slug Redirection with parameters
Change the post thumbnail URL
Change the URL of an attachment (thumbnail) based on the conditions you define.
Add an attribute to inline script tag
Add additional attributes to an inline script tag.
Enable Different upload file size limits based on file type
Add different limitations on uploading content in the media library ( depending on file size and file type).
Change URL for logo on WP login page
Change default URL of the logo to blog url.
Change logo on WP login page
Change the default WP logo on custom site logo.
Change title for logo on WP login page
Change the default title for the logo on the WP login page to custom.
Enable Maintenance Mode
Enable Maintenance Mode in WordPress for non-login users.
Disable Emojis
Disable the emojis in WordPress.
Enable Extract for Pages
Enable extract support for pages.
Display Featured Image on the All Posts page in the Admin Panel
Display the featured image in the All Posts page and quick edit view for any post type.
Upload font files
Add Allow the upload of font files (.ttf, .otf, .woff & .woff2) to WordPress media library.
Remove Gutenberg CSS
Remove Gutenberg CSS from loading on the frontend.
Upload font files to media library
Add the possibility to upload font files (.ttf, .otf, .woff, & .woff2) to the media library.
Open all external links in a new tab
Open Any links to external domains automatically in a new tab.
Change the location of the Admin Bar to the bottom
Moving the location of the Admin Bar from Top to Bottom.
Create Duplicate Posts and Pages
Create a function for duplicating posts and pages in the admin panel.
Disable Automatic Emptying for Trash
Disable automatically deleting trashed posts after 30 days.
Change Auto-Save Interval
Change post editor auto-save.
Hide Site Health
Hide the Site Health menu item and dashboard widget.
Set oEmbed Max Width
Set a max width for the embeds using oEmbed in the content.
Set a Limit on the Number of Post Revisions
Set the limiting post revisions to reduce Database size.
Set the Minimum Word Count for Posts
Set the minimum words count for authors to write posts.
Hide admin ‘Screen Options’ tab
Hide the Screen Options tab menu at the top of the admin pages.
Remove Welcome Panel from Dashboard
Remove the WordPress Dashboard Welcome Panel for all users.
Change Howdy in Admin Bar
Change the "Howdy" message in the admin bar on custom text.
Change Admin Panel Footer Text
Change the admin footer text to custom text.
Disable Comments
Disable comments for all post types, in the admin and the frontend.
Disable REST API
Disable the WP REST API on your WordPress website
Hide Attachment Pages
Enhance User Experience: Keep Attachment Pages Hidden
Disable Automatic Updates
Disable automatic updates on your WordPress website.
Disable Widget Blocks
Disabled Widget Blocks and used the Classic interface in Widgets
Disable WP Admin Bar
Remove the WordPress Admin Bar for all users on the site frontend
Disable Automatic Updates Emails
Silence Automatic Update Notifications in WordPress
Disable Gutenberg Editor
Disable Gutenberg Editor and Return to the Familiar Classic Editor
Remove WordPress Version
Remove the WordPress version from site's front end and feeds.
Uploading SVG Files
Enable support for SVG files to be uploaded in WordPress media.